 Gong Jue,Qiu Ju..Progress and perspective: the effect of disturbed intestinal homeostasis induced by high-fat-diet on metabolic diseases[J].International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism,2021,41(04):304-308,317.[doi:10.3760/cma.j.cn121383-20210511-05015]





Progress and perspective: the effect of disturbed intestinal homeostasis induced by high-fat-diet on metabolic diseases
中国科学院肿瘤与微环境重点实验室,中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所,中国科学院大学 200031
Gong Jue Qiu Ju.
CAS Key Laboratory of Tissue Microenvironment and Tumor, Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200031, China
代谢性疾病 菌群失调 肠道炎症 肠道屏障
Metabolic diseases Dysbiosis Intestinal inflammation Intestinal epithelial barrier
过度能量摄入引起的肥胖伴随机体多组织低级炎性反应发生,增加2型糖尿病、非酒精性脂肪性肝病(NAFLD)等代谢性疾病的患病风险。越来越多的研究表明,饮食诱导的肠道免疫系统紊乱在代谢相关疾病的发生中扮演重要角色。食物脂质过量摄入可以快速打破肠道菌群的稳态,改变肠道免疫细胞组成,促进炎性细胞因子的表达。肠道致炎性免疫细胞向代谢相关组织转移并引起局部组织炎性反应; 同时肠道上皮屏障完整性破坏促进菌群相关成分进入循环系统,促进机体代谢紊乱。因此,探究高脂饮食引起的肠道免疫系统失衡与代谢相关疾病的关系,可以为靶向肠道免疫从而预防和治疗代谢相关疾病提供新策略。
High fat diet induced obesity is accompanied with low grade of inflammation in multiple tissues, which brings high risk for the occurrance of metabolic diseases including type 2 diabetes mellitus and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD). Accumulated researches indicate that intestinal immune homeostasis plays an important role in metabolic diseases. High fat diet promptly causes dysbiosis of the intestine microbiota, affects the distribution of functional immune cells and enhances the production of proinflammatory cytokine. The migration of inflammatory immune cells from the intestine to metabolism associated tissues induces local inflammation. In the meanwhile, the damaged intestinal epithelial barrier facilitates the entry of bacteria derived endotoxins to the circulation and worsens systemic metabolic disorder. Therefore, initerrogation of the mechanisms underlying how intestinal immune disorders induced by high fat diet affects the pathology of metabolic diseases may bring new therapeutic targets and strategies for preventing and treating metabolic diseases by modulating intestinal immunity.


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基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2019YFA0802502,2020YFA0509103); 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金(32022027); 国家自然科学基金(31970860); 上海市科学技术委员会项目(20ZR1466900)
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