[1]张磊,董砚虎.早期进行性肾功能下降作为糖尿病肾病新的评价指标——2014年美国糖尿病协会“Kelly West糖尿病流行病学杰出成就奖”演讲报告解读[J].国际内分泌代谢杂志,2014,(05):308-309.[doi:10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-4157.2014.05.005]
 Zhang Lei,Dong Yanhu..Early,progressive renal decline:a novel marker for diabetic nephropathy--A summary of 2014 ADA "Kelly West Award for Outstanding Achievement in Epidemiology" Lecture[J].International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism,2014,(05):308-309.[doi:10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-4157.2014.05.005]

早期进行性肾功能下降作为糖尿病肾病新的评价指标——2014年美国糖尿病协会“Kelly West糖尿病流行病学杰出成就奖”演讲报告解读()




Early,progressive renal decline:a novel marker for diabetic nephropathy--A summary of 2014 ADA "Kelly West Award for Outstanding Achievement in Epidemiology" Lecture
266071 青岛内分泌糖尿病医院,青岛内分泌代谢病研究院,青岛市内分泌糖尿病重点实验室
Zhang Lei Dong Yanhu.
Qingdao Endocrine & Diabetes Hospital, Qingdao Institute for Endocrinology and Metabolism, Qingdao Key laboratory of Endocrinology and Diabetes, Qingdao 266071, China
糖尿病 肾脏疾病 流行病学
Diabetes mellitus Nephropathy Epidemiology
长期以来,糖尿病肾病的诊断、治疗与预后评价都是以尿白蛋白排泄率为中心的,而2014年美国糖尿病协会“Kelly West糖尿病流行病学杰出成就奖”获得者Andrzej Krolewski教授通过多年研究发现,早期进行性肾脏功能下降更能反映肾脏疾病的进展和终末期肾病的发生风险。
For a long time the proteinuria-centric model has been widely recognizedfor the diagnosis, treatment and prognostic evaluation of diabetic nephropathy. The view, however, is challenged by Professor Andrzej Krolewski, the awardee of 2014 Kelly West Award in Epidemiology, who discovered that end stage renal disease(ESRD)begins with early, progressive renal decline, a process independent of microalbuminuria.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2014-09-20