 Wang Xiaolai.Diabetes-related vascular calcification[J].International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism,2015,(06):406-408.[doi:DOI:10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-4157.2015.06.012]





Diabetes-related vascular calcification
300140 天津第四中心医院内分泌科
Wang Xiaolai
Department of Endocrinology, The Fourth Central Hospital of Tianjin, Tianjin 300140,China
糖尿病 血管钙化 流行病学 心血管疾病
Diabetes mellitus Vascular calcification Epidemiology Cardiovascular disease
Several studies have shown that in patients with diabetes if the coronary artery calcification(CAC)score increases, the CAC will progress rapidly. Diabetes-related vascular calcification is associated with hyperglycemia, vitamin D deficiency, insulin resistance, obesity, epicardial fat, renal disease and other risk factors. Cardiovascular disease(CVD)is the leading cause of death in adults with diabetes. CAC is a useful marker of plaque burden. It is significantly correlated with the increase of CVD risk in diabetic patients. In diabetic population, the occurrence and level of CAC can be used to predict cardiovascular events in the future.


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作者单位:300140 天津第四中心医院内分泌科
更新日期/Last Update: 2015-11-20